Protecting Personal Business Information

Protecting Personal Business Information

Protecting Personal Business Information

Personal business refers to the tasks or responsibilities the individual or company manages on their own, such as managing finances, taking care of household chores or maintaining appointments. It could also mean the creation and management of a business that is based on the skills, interests and experience as a sole proprietor.

Although privacy laws on data vary from countries to countries and states to state, they all have similar definitions of what constitutes personal data. Personal data is defined in the CCPA, Connecticut’s law and other laws as any information that could be reasonably linked to an identifiable individual, except for data that is de-identified or is publicly available. The CCPA also includes a section for sensitive personal data which requires more protection than other types of data.

It’s crucial to know what data is stored within your company and where it’s stored. The best method to accomplish this is to take an exhaustive inventory of all documents, files and folders, as well as storage devices. This includes desktops, file cabinets and laptops as well as mobile devices, flash drives, disks, and digital copiers. Don’t forget to also check the locations where sensitive information could be stored outside of your office. This includes the homes of employees and their computers at home that they work from.

PII that is considered to be sensitive must be protected both during transit and at rest and only for as long as it is needed for business. This includes biometrics, medical information that is covered by the Health Insurance Accountability and Portability Act(HIPAA), unique identifiers such as passports, Social Security Numbers and employee personnel records.