How to Prepare for a Meeting Successfully

How to Prepare for a Meeting Successfully

How to Prepare for a Meeting Successfully

There are a few important steps that help ensure you’re prepared for meeting successfully. The preparation is the key to an effective meeting, whether it’s for a planning session or an employee review.

Create your agenda and also send any reading material you’d like your attendees to read prior to the meeting. Communicating these ahead of the meeting helps ensure that everyone will have an idea of what’s in store and will be able to contribute effectively to the meeting. You can include these in your invitation or share them via internal comms. Be aware of what you consider important to read versus what’s useful to have.

Plan for any obstacles that may be encountered during the meeting and develop a plan to overcome these. If you wait to bring these issues up in the meeting itself can result in an inordinate amount of time, as everyone is trying to get up to speed on an issue that could have been solved earlier.

Do not forget to establish an effective system for recording and sharing meeting minutes and other records. Implementing this will help keep the momentum going after the meeting, and will ensure everyone is clear about what was discussed and agreed upon during the meeting.

Close the meeting with an agenda that includes the most important points. This will help everyone feel confident about the next steps to take the discussion or project forward. This is an excellent way to conclude the meeting and let everyone feel that they are part of a united group that is capable of meeting its objectives.